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There are many "counterfeit" gifts and false prophets in the world today. See Matthew 24:24, 1 John 4:1 and 2 Corinthians 2:17; Matthew 7:22,23
Those who falsely profess possession of the Holy Spirit gifts will be severely judged by the Lord when he returns. No one, in our dispensation, has the "gift of the spirit" to perform miracles, add to scripture, speak in tongues etc. Those who claim such gifts are either deceived or deliberate liars attempting to fleece the gullible - peddlars of God's word.
How can we test such people?  As Isaiah said "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."  Isaiah 8:20  Anyone claiming "spirit gifts" must stand the test of scripture. If their message is not in accord with the word of God, then they are "false prophets" and will be subject to condemnation by the Lord at his return.
As we said in response to your previous question:
The gifts of the spirit were given for a specific purpose. They gave evidence to the authority of those who were speaking God's word and to allow the first century church to take root in the world. The power to perform miracles was first given to the Apostles. They were also given the ability to pass on the "Gifts of the Spirit" by the laying on of their hands (Acts 8:18). Once the Apostles died and the Word of God was completed the ability to pass on the gifts of the spirit died out too. Therefore the ability to work miracles in God's name will not be restored until the Lord Jesus returns to set up God's Kingdom. Indeed the "gifts of the spirit" were called a "taste of the powers of the age to come" in Hebrews 6:5. They were only a taste of the full power which will be given to those made immortal in God's Kingdom.

Here is a link to a document on the website dealing with this topic:

The Holy Spirit

God bless