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How do you explain John 10:30 if Jesus is not part of the Trinity?

John 10:30 I and My Father are one.

It cannot mean that Jesus and his Father are one entity because:

  1. God is greater than Jesus John 14:28
  2. God has more authority than Jesus Matthew 20:23
  3. God knows more than Jesus Mark 13:32
  4. Jesus died and was raised to life again by his Father. Acts 2:23, 24
  5. Not to mention that it defies logic to claim that Father and Son are co-eternal – i.e. the Father didn’t precede the Son, so couldn’t actually have ‘fathered’ him.

John 10:30 means that the Father and Son are one in purpose – they have the same end in view and fully agree on how it should be achieved.In this, we too can be ‘one’ with the Father and his Son in the same way that they are one. John 17:22; John 14:20-23.

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God bless,